Death by Santa Claus

You know what sucks? Dying. You know what sucks even more? Dying in some sort of horrible or boring way. I mean anyone can be stabbed or shot or slip on some ice. Knowing some maniac went out of his way to give you some silly, outrageous or creative death should give you at least some comfort, right?

Plus try to think of it from the killer’s perspective you try your best to be creative and fun, but all anyone wants to do is kill you. Where’s the justification in that? I mean you’re an artist after all. That is why we here at the Brigade started ‘What a way to die.’ This week’s What a Way to Die is brought to you by the movie Santa’s Slay.

The Holidays can really suck. I mean you’re stuck with family you (possibly) don’t like. The next time you’re ready to fight at the table be grateful you’re not about to be killed by Santa. What could be worse than being killed by Santa? Well, it could be former wrestler Bill Goldberg playing Santa that kills you. There are so many perfect kills to choose from in Santa’s Slay. I decided to go against one specific one and go with the generic death by Santa. In this scene Santa will destroy an entire family and in some pretty creative ways.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas from the B movie Brigade!

~ by ClevelandPoet on December 21, 2011.

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